It's been a while since I did any web design, so it’s been fun to customise my blogs, I say ‘customise’ since you’re really just working around an existing structure in a very primitive development area, it’s like solving a rubix cube with four foot long chopsticks (four-foot long, not four foot-long). If anybody knows of a way to code for blogger outside of blogger I’d appreciate a note.
My latest blog designing has been for my (slightly less) latest project. An animation for the Resuscitation Council UK. My banner says it all:
I'll remove the black if I win (yep, I'm holding good design for ransom) |
I’m still in the pitching phase since several ideas are being carried forward from the initial pitch but I’m confident mine will be developed further, not in its current form but I’ll be putting in the man hours this week, expect some posts. In the mean time you can check it out here:
Where I'll be updating more regularly and posting info.
Give me a beat blogosphere!
Excellent post,
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