About Me

My Photo
Bristol, United Kingdom
Animation, Digital Visual Effects, Art and Design in general.

Sovereigns of the Palaeolithic Epoch

Made my now almost biannual frivolous purchase recently; I’m a frugal and completely immaterialistic sort of a guy and so I rarely buy anyth...

Strictly Pastels

Chalk pastels from a while back. A not so very long time ago I took a whole bunch of art supplies off someone who wasn’t using them with th...

Got INK?

...why yes, yes I do.  Actually I don’t any more, I just went to check whether it was india or sumi (so ...

Post Haste!

Just a quick one – I’m thinking instead of individual sketches just doing a digital oil painting and char...

Ug-me (...like ug-ly)

In a strange fit of self-deprecating narcissism I've been all edgy and done an unflattering self portrait. It was a Biro doodle that tur...
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