About Me

My Photo
Bristol, United Kingdom
Animation, Digital Visual Effects, Art and Design in general.


Online presence review: The site that's on my business card: www.matthewood.co.uk  That's 'Matthew' and 'Wood' wi...

Web Design.

Got a log in your bonnet? (b-log that is!). It's been a while since I did any web design, so it’s been fun to customise my blogs, I sa...

Roll Up! Roll Up!...your pitched tents...

...I'm moving you. Actually you can stay here if you want but there's going to be a lot more activity over on my new blog http://...

Toxic Mutant Character Design

Well in the interest of google ranking boosting and just generally making it easier for you to find things based on the post headings I’ll b...

Sovereigns of the Palaeolithic Epoch

Made my now almost biannual frivolous purchase recently; I’m a frugal and completely immaterialistic sort of a guy and so I rarely buy anyth...

Strictly Pastels

Chalk pastels from a while back. A not so very long time ago I took a whole bunch of art supplies off someone who wasn’t using them with th...

Got INK?

...why yes, yes I do.  Actually I don’t any more, I just went to check whether it was india or sumi (so ...

Post Haste!

Just a quick one – I’m thinking instead of individual sketches just doing a digital oil painting and char...

Ug-me (...like ug-ly)

In a strange fit of self-deprecating narcissism I've been all edgy and done an unflattering self portrait. It was a Biro doodle that tur...
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